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Osho in hindi youtube


Sanyas or Disciplehood: The True Suicide.


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  • If we stop projecting things then 99% of our problems will disappear like the Ghost in this story. That Ghost was a creation of the mind and so are most of our problems. We can only see those things which we are already aware of. Most of time what we believe and see in this world is a Projection of our mind. He filled his hand with grains from a sack and asked the Ghost, “Tell me how many grains are there in my hand?” The Ghost immediately disappeared and never returned again. When the Ghost came that night, the man did the same. Next time she comes, just pick one handful of grains from a Sack and ask her how many grains are there in your Hand”. The Sage said “the Ghost is very intelligent. Tired by complaints and threats from the Ghost one day the man went to a Sage. But his dead wife ghost could not accept this betrayal and She kept coming back everyday and telling word by word what transpires between the man and his new wife. The man was surprised to see the ghost of his dead wife but now he could do nothing about it, so he kept quite. On his wedding Night he saw his dead wife's Ghost, who complained about the broken promise. Its natural for a man to forget promises, wedding dates, and birthday but a woman always cherishes these things. He fell so deep in love that he forgot about his promise and he married again. The man remain truthful to his dead wife for a while but destiny had stored some thing else for him. While his wife was dying, he gave her the promise that that he will not marry again. Osho is unique man of universe we do not enplane in any word or any language because he is mastic man and he is man of mysterious soul. his words are real and he will transform you- this is not a statement- this my opinion.

    osho in hindi youtube

    i became more simple, alert, clear to everyone and even to me. Iam fortunate that i understood between living and existing. whether it is osho or somebody else no matter, it should transform and explore the realities. it's a shelter of realization and self understanding. i know this is not a religion where we are now. but i just tell that iam interested in osho and i will. My room mates, my friends and my family members are fine with me and i do just behave as iam. this was the right medium i felt to tell something i wanted to. i never forced anybody or atleast tried to express about what i really gained. thats why i was waiting for this moment to share. i feel glad to share my feelngs with you. Hai cooldeep! it surprised me after your response. Agyat Ki Aur6.mp3ĭownload Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Aur aka From Sex to SuperConsciousness - : N.B: A few files from this discourse collection are missing. Sahaj Aasiki Nahi-5.mp3ĭownload Osho's: Agyat Ki Aur : Geeta- Bhagwan Krishna aur Arjun ka Vyaktigat S_.mp3ĭownload Osho's: Sahaj Aasiki Nahi :ġ. Bhagwan Buddha ki ek Jatak Katha, Part-2, Es Dh_.mp3ġ2. Bhagwan Buddha ki ek Jatak Katha, Part-1, Es Dh~.mp3ġ1. Geeta ka Updesh-Teen Prakar ke karma, Geeta Dar~.mp3ġ0. Preeti ke Char Roop, Athato Bhakti Jigyasa-1.mp3ĩ. Shiv ka sandesh- Gyan Bandhan aur Udyam Bhairav~.mp3Ĩ. Nav-Sannyas Deeksha Kyon- Jyun Ki Tyun Dhar Din~.mp3ħ. Ahobhv aur Prarthana, Maro he Jogi 4 Q-2, & 16 ~.mp3Ħ.

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    Osho in hindi youtube